To Our Valued PogoZone Customers,
Due to substantial surges in business costs, fuel, fees, and additional taxes, most of our customers will see an increase on their invoices over the next couple of months.
Also, pzTV customers will see an additional increase to help cover programming and regulation fees so we can continue to provide access to all your favorite channels.
In order to be as transparent as possible, we want to let you know of the rate increases, but it’s possible your bill will not change. These increases are not uniform as different cities have different tax rates and different pzTV packages contain more costly channels, etc.
Since establishing PogoZone in 2002, we have never increased rates for high-speed internet, phone, or web hosting. The decision to increase rates did not come lightly and we understand the financial impact on our customers. We also know other providers may claim cheaper rates, but leave out fees and equipment costs in their quotes.
We have worked hard over the years to bring affordable high-speed internet, phone, pzTV, and other services to residents and businesses in Whatcom, Skagit, and San Juan Counties. As we continue to be the leader in affordable local high-speed internet we thank you for your understanding and continued support.
If you have any questions or concerns or would like to know if your bill is subject to an increase, please contact us at 360-676-8772 or
If this increase will cause you financial hardship and/or if you are on a fixed income, please call us ASAP to discuss options.
Thank you for your support,