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Technology To-Dos in 2025

Here at PogoZone powered by NeuBeam, our new year’s resolution is helping you stay connected, and stay safe in 2025. To ensure both of those, here is our list of digital best practices in 2025.

Cyber Safety for Holiday Shopping

With that comes the season of joy, giving, and last minute shopping. While online shopping covers convenience with quick service, and great deals, it opens the door for potential cyber risks. From phishing scams, to data breaches, it’s important to stay weary at a time like this. Here’s our comprehensive guide to ensure you get your gifts this year, safely.

Summer Tech Camps for Kids

Summer is right around the corner and parents are starting to think about camps and programs to send their kids to. There’s the standard day camps, sport camps, even drama camps. Did you know more than ever summer tech camps for kids and teens are on the rise? These camps offer all kinds of opportunities for young people to explore their interest in technology and learn new skills.

The Impact of Internet Connectivity on Local Businesses

The internet has been a game changer for local businesses, non-profits, and learning institutions. From Mom and Pop shops to large corporations, businesses of all sizes have leveraged the power of the internet to reach new audiences and customers, improve productivity, and increase revenue. 

Let’s explore the impact of internet connectivity on local businesses, and how local, reliable and fast internet service can benefit companies in a variety of ways.

Celebrating 30 Years of the Internet

In the past three decades, the internet has revolutionized our lives in ways that are hard to comprehend. So let’s take a little time to review significant and memorable milestones that the internet has created for us all before we buckle up for the next thirty years of growth and change.

How To Get Your Kids Into Coding

Technology has become integrated with every aspect of our daily lives and nobody knows this better than our children. This statement was true leading up to the year 2020, and then the Coronavirus forced the world to up their technology game to an entirely new level. As this integration continues to develop, a basic understanding…

Cryptocurrency 101

Cryptocurrency. If you aren’t familiar, it seems aptly named for its cryptic nature. It turns out that once you lift the veil on this new form of tender, it isn’t as intimidating as it seems. 

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